In our online shop ( ) you will find selected food and accessories!


In our online shop ( ) you will find selected food and accessories!

In our online shop we offer ornamental fish food from Naturefood, Sera and JBL as well as a range of accessories with filters, heaters, remedies etc. and gift vouchers in various motifs and monetary amounts.

Furthermore, there are also accessories that the breeder needs, such as fish transport bags, heat packs, air lifters etc.!

We do not yet offer our large assortment of Malawi and Tanganyika cichlids there. At the moment, you still have to order our fish by email (

Your Aqua-Treff team is looking forward to your purchase in our online shop.

Stay healthy!

Picture of Aqua-Treff


Seit dem 12. August 1989 steht Ihnen der Aqua-Treff mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, wenn es um ostafrikanische Buntbarsche des Malawi- und Tanganjikasees geht!

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